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Young people bring passion and ideas to the table at Youth Summit

The WA Government’s plan to co-ordinate development of Western Australia’s new Youth Strategy reached a milestone today when more than 100 young people from across the State attended Perth’s inaugural Youth Summit.

Youth Minister Peter Tinley hosted the public event, which saw an enthusiastic and articulate group of young people aged 10-25 debate their most important issues and brainstorm ideas.

Organised by the Department of Communities in partnership with the Youth Affairs Council of WA, the summit saw the crowd of young people divide into a number of working groups and focus on problem-solving.

The afternoon came to a close with individual group presentations that detailed their own unique proposals to improve WA’s youth support services.

The summit was the culmination of a process that began with the release of a discussion paper last month (Better Choices: Youth in WA) that invited young people and the youth sector in WA to identify and communicate their priorities. Feedback on the discussion paper is open until December 18, 2017.

Members of the recently appointed Ministerial Youth Advisory Council facilitated the summit. Feedback from the Youth Summit will inform the Government’s five-year Youth Strategy and three-year action plan for the improvement of WA’s youth support services.