The deadline for the WA Government’s interim Sustainable Health Review report has been extended, following a strong level of interest in the community forums.
To date, more than 300 submissions have been received from individuals and organisations sharing their insights on developing a sustainable future for health.
The review panel began an extensive consultation program in August 2017 with a wide range of stakeholders, including patients and carers, clinicians, community members, non-government organisations, peak bodies and private industry.
An open public submission process and a total of 19 public and clinical forums, as well as other sessions, have been held across the State in metropolitan and regional locations.
The panel’s interim report will be presented to the Government in January 2018.
This will be supported by further engagement to support the development of the panel’s final report, due to Government in November 2018.
Public submissions consented for publishing will be made available on the review website following release of the interim report.