Police Minister Michelle Roberts today announced a $1.05 million package for grassroots crime prevention initiatives around the State.
Local governments and not-for-profit organisations can apply for grants of up to $25,000 for projects which demonstrate significant crime prevention benefits.
The $1.05 million has been allocated from the Community Safety and Crime Prevention Partnership Fund budget.
Projects and initiatives which fall into four broad areas will be given priority including:
- Preventing and responding to anti-social behaviour;
- Addressing and reducing alcohol and drug-related crime;
- Youth justice and reducing reoffending; and
- Prevention and early intervention to address the needs of children and families.
The Community Crime Prevention Fund was established in 2004.
It has been used to implement a range of crime prevention initiatives including youth diversionary and mentoring programs, drug and alcohol prevention initiatives and domestic violence prevention projects.
Organisations who want to apply can find further information at http://www.police.wa.gov.au