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Mundijong clubs get funding to build stronger communities

Two Serpentine Jarrahdale sports clubs are set to benefit from brand new equipment and facilities from the State Government’s Local Projects, Local Jobs initiative.

Sport and Recreation Minister Mick Murray joined Darling Range MLA Barry Urban at Mundijong Pavilion and Oval to announce funding for the Mundijong Serpentine Little Athletics Club and the Mundijong Centrals Football and Sportsman’s Club.

The $20,000 grant will provide for three new fridges for the football club and two new gazebos for the little athletics club, as well as high jump mats, javelins, hurdles and a new public address system.

The State Government’s Local Projects, Local Jobs initiative will fund more than 200 community sport and recreation projects across the State, creating jobs and building stronger and healthier communities.

Source: Government of Western Australia.