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Creative thinkers consider communities of the future

Some of Perth’s most creative minds were at Parliament House today to present their winning ideas on creating vibrant, sustainable and inclusive communities in Western Australia.

The presentation was the outcome of an IDEAHack Challenge hosted by the Department of Communities late last year, at which a network of thinkers collaborated to address a range of challenges.

Concepts debated included activation of high-density urban infill, repurposing of vacant and under-utilised public space and improving the sense of connectedness, community, and adaptability in planning and development to meet sustainability and social outcomes.

A total of 12 teams developed their solutions. The winning and runner-up teams presented their concepts to Housing Minister Peter Tinley and other Ministers with portfolios within the Department of Communities at State Parliament.

The winning team focused on development of an app that encourages people to get out of their homes and into the community, while the runners-up envisioned a ‘UniCity’ concept that connects suburbs and improves and supports Perth’s ambitious future transport and planning priorities.

Mr Tinley said the IDEAHack participants represented academia, government, industry, advocacy groups and the community. About 90 people attended the event, forming 12 teams that addressed six different challenge questions.

The IDEAHack judges were Perth MLA John Carey, Creating Communities CEO Allan Tranter, Committee of Perth CEO Marion Fulker, UWA Professor of Architecture Geoffrey London and LWP Property Group Managing Director Danny Murphy.