Home > Community > Lightbox Laneway – Peep by Kimberley Pace

Lightbox Laneway – Peep by Kimberley Pace

The body and relationships between subject and object are reconstructed and re-imagined through photographic images. These images derail both the informal and formal constructs of the male body by exploring the marginal, penetrable and transformative softness of male and masculine corporeality. Photography is used as a tool to document sites of the body and challenge how we consume the body through image.

Peep flips back and forth between dispelling and exploiting the hard, impenetrable and fixed imaginary male body image.

Be sure to check out the new exhibition at our Lightbox Laneway, between St Michael’s Restaurant and Orno Interiors (near 483 Beautfort Street, Highgate).

Find out more about Lightbox Laneway