The State Government’s Local Projects, Local Jobs program has allocated $356,600 for 12 projects aimed at helping young Western Australians develop life skills and improve their employment prospects.
Among the program’s recipients is the Save the Children Australia Trust which has received $220,000 to implement the One Step Closer Project.
One Step Closer delivers physical and recreational activities, life skill and leadership workshops for young people (aged eight to 15) who live in and around Armadale.
The program also provides mentoring and encourages youth engagement in a range of community-based services and clubs as an alternative to anti-social behaviour.
The McGowan Government’s Local Projects, Local Jobs program supports a range of projects across Western Australia and its grants flow to grassroots initiatives and initiatives that make a real difference to local communities.
The program helps many different organisations, such as sporting groups, local governments, and not-for-profit service providers, to deliver much-needed upgrades to community facilities, road safety improvements and enhancement to other programs.