The State Government will bring together Western Australia’s regional innovators and business leaders to help inform the agenda for job creation, talent and skills development and entrepreneurship in regional WA.
The Regional Innovation Summit, to be held in Bunbury on November 23, 2017, will help to guide investment of the McGowan Government’s $4.5 million regional component of the New Industries Fund.
Regional economies have been significantly affected by the structural changes in the resources sector in recent years. As the sector transitions, it is important that WA builds and retains the technology, infrastructure and specialist skills to drive new industries in the regions.
Industry and community leaders with established business accelerators and co-working spaces across regional WA will be invited to discuss potential models for fostering regional innovation and entrepreneurship.
The regional component of the fund will be used to support and accelerate regional innovation, which will be critical to building the capability and economic sustainability of regional economies and the communities that service them.