Monkey Mia will benefit from $40,000 in Federal Government funding to establish a vision for the area which will include the development of world-class visitor facilities, experiences and tourism infrastructure.
The funding is a partnership between the Federal and State governments as part of the Tourism Demand Driver Infrastructure (TDDI) program.
The program provides $43 million over four years to States and Territories for key infrastructure projects that will drive tourism growth. Western Australia received $5.063 million in funding over four years through Tourism Western Australia.
The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions will match the Federal Government funding and manage the project.
The funding will go towards engaging architects to develop concept plans and preliminary designs for the future development of the department’s tourism infrastructure in the Monkey Mia area.
As part of the program in 2017-18, the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions also received funding for campground upgrades at Yanchep National Park.
These are the final Western Australian projects as part of the TDDI program, which has supported 19 tourism infrastructure initiatives across the State.