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Grass roots response to win ice war

The Australian Government is teaming up with key community groups across the country to tackle the scourge of ice at a grass-roots level, with the next 40 Local Drug Action Teams rolling out.

This means there are now 80 teams across the country delivering a targeted local response to help tackle drug use and addiction.

More than 300 partnerships have now been formed between local councils, service providers, schools, police, sporting groups and non-government organisations to bring these teams together to prevent and reduce the harms of drugs.

Each team will receive an initial $10,000 to develop locally-focused drug and alcohol prevention activities, with support from the Alcohol and Drug Foundation.

The Turnbull Government is providing $19.2 million for the program which will establish 220 Local Drug Action Teams over the next three years.

The teams will deliver community-led education and mentoring programs, early intervention and prevention programs, and support for vulnerable people to minimise their risk of alcohol and other drug related harms.

This initiative is part of the Government’s $298 million investment over four years to combat illicit drug and alcohol use through the National Ice Action Strategy.

Australians are proportionally using more methamphetamine, including ice, than almost any other country. Conservative estimates suggest there are more than 200,000 ice users in Australia.

We know a community response to an issue like drug and alcohol misuse is one of the best ways to effectively prevent and reduce the harms caused by drugs.

We must also continue to stop these drugs entering Australia and we have already made significant investments in policing our borders and our streets to combat the supply of ice.

The AFP has seized over 12 tonnes of methamphetamine since January 2013. This included a 903kg haul of ice which was discovered in April this year – Australian largest methamphetamine seizure.

The first 40 Local Drug Action Teams rolled out in April this year and delivered local drug and alcohol forums for parents and students, mentoring and professional training for at-risk young people, school based reduction programs, and promoted the role of local sporting clubs.

Interested community groups can apply for the next application round, which opens in late 2017.

Information can be found on the Alcohol and Drug Foundation website.

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