Australians are encouraged to have their say on the digital future of the nation under a Digital Economy Strategy to be released by the Australian Government early next year.
Today Arthur Sinodinos, Minister for Industry, Innovation and Science, released the consultation paper to help develop this strategy.
The strategy will be developed in consultation with industry, thought-leaders, small and medium sized businesses, government, community as well as the broader private sector and will outline how we can best work together to seize the benefits of digital transformation and secure Australian jobs into the future.
Australia already has areas of competitive strength, such as energy resources, and medical and mining related technologies.
“I believe we can also become a world leader in digital innovation which could boost the Australian economy by $140 billion to $250 billion over the next eight years,” Sinodinos said.
To help us reach that goal, the Digital Economy Strategy will explore topics including digital infrastructure, digital business capability, and building digital skills and inclusion. It will consider:
- How we can drive productivity within existing industries, build on competitive strengths and develop new ones, take advantage of economy-wide changes and open up new growth sources.
- How we develop world-leading digital businesses for globally engaged, innovative, high-growth businesses of all sizes.
- How we can empower all Australians with the skills and confidence to succeed in a digital economy.
A strategy for our nation should be developed by our nation. I encourage all Australians to join the conversation and share your ideas by 30 November 2017 at: