The Australian Government is establishing a new panel of Disability Employment Service (DES) providers to help people with disability find and keep jobs.
The process to establish the panel is being conducted in two stages. The first stage was a Registration of Interest process where organisations interested in delivering DES from 1 July 2018 were able to submit their interest. The Registration of Interest process commenced on 2 August and closed on 29 August 2017. The second stage is a restricted grant application process, which invites organisations who registered in stage 1 to apply through a grant application process. Stage 2 also includes an Invitation to Treat to eligible organisations. The restricted grant application process opened on 12 September 2017 and closes 2pm (ACT Local Time), 24 October 2017.
Changes to the DES program, including the new panel arrangements, were announced in the May 2017 Budget. The changes aim to improve outcomes for DES participants, providers, and employers alike to help achieve long-term sustainable employment for people with disability.
Further information on the DES changes, including the Stage 2 restricted grant application process, is available from the Community Grants Hub website.