Following a joint investigation between the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP), the Australian Commission for Law Enforcement Integrity and the Australian Federal Police, a Serco employee has been arrested and charged by the Australian Federal Police for allegedly misusing their position at the Christmas Island Detention Centre.
In a statement, the Acting Australian Border Force (ABF) Commissioner said the DIBP and ABF have zero tolerance for corruption or inappropriate behaviour among officers, staff or contractors to the Department.
“DIBP will continue to assist our law enforcement partners to detect and investigate any such behaviour.
“Everyone will be held accountable for their actions.
The Commissioner said the vast majority of the workforce, including contractors, are dedicated to the task of protecting the Australian community and committed to doing the right thing.
“We continue to work closely with Serco to enhance the integrity and professional standards of all employees and contractors in immigration detention facilities,” the Commissioner said.
“The employee will face Christmas Island local court today. As this matter is before the courts, no further comment will be made.”