Employers from across South Queensland were acknowledged for their support for Australian Defence Force (ADF) Reservists at an awards function last night.
The South Queensland Employer Support Awards hosted by the Defence Reserves Support Council (DRSC), recognised employers who are willing to go the extra mile to support their Reservist employees.
DRSC South Queensland Chair Ms Cheryl Bromage said the awards recognised ongoing and exceptional efforts on behalf of employers to support their employees who serve in the ADF.
“Tonight we formally recognised employers who have been nominated as supportive employers by Reservists themselves,” Ms Bromage said.
This year’s winners were Citipoint Christian College (large business), Financial Advice Matters (medium business), Greg Beh Constructions Pty Ltd (small business) and the Australian Broadcasting Commission (public sector).
The night provided an opportunity for employers to network and discuss their positive experiences of having Reservists amongst their staff.
It was a chance for employers to find out more about the programs Defence Reserves Support has to offer, so they can gain a better understanding of the many roles that Reservists carry out in the ADF and how those skills are transferable to the civilian workplace.
For more information about becoming a supportive employer visit: www.defencereservessupport.gov.au