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Reforms deliver a better, more efficient public service

The 2017-18 State Budget includes a number of wide-ranging reforms that, once implemented, will deliver lasting reform to the public sector at a lower cost to taxpayers.

The previously announced Service Priority Review will examine the functions, operations and culture of the Western Australian public sector.  Its goal is to drive lasting reform of service delivery, accountability and efficiency.

The previously announced public sector wages policy will deliver a general government operating balance improvement of nearly $500 million over the forward estimates period, and a freeze to the salaries of the highest paid public servants such as Parliamentarians, Judges, and directors general will save an estimated $16 million over the forward estimates period.

Other savings totalling $249 million over four years will be achieved from a number of reforms. These include the 40 per cent reduction in Government departments, other cost savings from the Service Priority Review, and a 20 per cent reduction in the number of Senior Executive Service positions.

A new initiative announced today is the first steps in the Western Australian Public Sector using new data analytics tools to redesign services.

The development of a simulation model of the State’s criminal justice system – the Justice Pipeline Model – to simulate the flow of activities and costs across the sector.  The Department of Treasury will lead the development of the model in partnership with the key justice sector agencies.

In recent years there have been material demand and resources pressures placed on the justice sector, reported crime up 19 per cent since 2014 and a 21 per cent increase in adult prison population over the past two years.

The Justice Pipeline Model initiative – which has a project budget of $850,000 – will provide critical insights into how to reallocate resources across the criminal justice system to ease pressure points and minimise system costs.

For more 2017-18 State Budget information, visit http://www.ourstatebudget.wa.gov.au

Source: Government of Western Australia.