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Don’t weigh in and face the law!

Accurate fish receiver reporting and records will be the target of the Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) this September. During the month, Fisheries Officers will be checking fish receiver records to ensure correct procedures are being followed and fish are being weighed immediately upon receipt.

Once fish have been caught in Commonwealth fisheries they must be landed to a Commonwealth Fish Receiver Permit (FRP) holder – Fish Receivers.

Fish Receivers must ensure all fish they receive are weighed in accordance with the conditions of their fish receiver permits.

AFMA fisheries officer will be checking:

  • that all fish are accurately weighted and, if required, counted immediately upon receipt
  • the weight and number of all fish received and disposed of are counted and recorded (as per catch disposal record instructions)
  • fish are weighed on an approved and verified/certified weighing instrument in accordance with the National Measurement Act 1960managed by the State and Territories Uniformed Trade and Measurement Legislation.

Failing to comply with the conditions of the Fish Receiver Permit is an offence under section 95(1) of the Fisheries Management Act 1991. Any receivers found not to be complying with their permit requirements may be issued with Commonwealth Fisheries Infringement Notices (CFINS) of $2 520 per offence, or face prosecution and fines of up to $52 500.

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