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EOI for the 2018 and 2019 Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop surveys

The AFMA Research Committee (ARC) takes a leading role in determining research priorities and assessing proposals for funding by AFMA each year.  The ARC is making a separate public call for expressions of interest (EOI) for the 2018 and 2019 Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop surveys. The ARC will publish a further call for EOI to address priority scopes for potential funding in 2018/19 in late October 2017.

Applicants should use the fishery-specific project scope provided below as a guide when developing their initial expressions of interest (EOI).

Please contact the AFMA Research Section 02 6225 5432 or email [email protected] or Sally Weekes, Manager Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery on 02 6225 5520 if you require further information.

Your EOI must be submitted to the AFMA Research Section by 21 September 2017.

The ARC will consider expressions of interest submitted in response to the call at its 5 October 2017 meeting.  Applicants will be advised in late October 2017 of the outcome of the ARC’s evaluation. The ARC successful applicant will need to submit their full proposal to the Research Section by early-December 2017.

Key information for applicants when completing and submitting EOIs

When completing and submitting EOIs, applicants must:

  • use the project scope outlined below as a guide when developing their initial EOI to meet the identified need for the project
  • use the ARC application form to prepare their EOI
  • include in their EOI:
    • the projected costs and expected funding source, as well as alternatives.
    • the proposed contractor’s full legal identity/description, including each corporation’s full description and Australian Company Number or the full names of all partners/joint venturers. A trading name and/or Australian Business Number should also be notified, but only if registered to the parties described
  • email their completed EOI to the Research Section at [email protected] by 21 September 2017.

Project scope for the 2018 and 2019 Scallop Surveys

Title Bass Strait Central Zone Scallop Fishery – 2018 and 2019 Surveys
Need To coordinate a fisheries survey to measure the size distribution and calculate biomass estimates to assess the potential for commercial catch rates in the BSCZSF.
Desired outcomes

Determination of the avaiable biomass and scallop size to set the TAC and area closures in line with the BSCZSF Harvest Strategy for the 2016 season.


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