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Connecting the farm: grants to drive 21st century agriculture jobs

The WA Government will invest $5 million in driving better digital connectivity for agricultural and pastoral businesses in regional Western Australia. The Digital Farm grants program will enable farming businesses to use smart farming technologies such as cloud-based data sharing and decision-making tools to improve their productivity and output. The program aims

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Funding to expand education program for Aboriginal young people

The State Government, through Healthway, has granted $514,654 towards a sexual health and life skills program for Aboriginal young people aged 10-14 years. The Mooditj program is delivered State-wide by Aboriginal educators, and designed to inform and empower young Aboriginal people about their sexual health, emotions and feelings, goal setting, puberty

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Awards to honour community achievements

Outstanding individuals and organisations in Western Australia's community services sector will be recognised at this year's Community Services Excellence Awards. Community Services Minister Simone McGurk launched the biennial awards at the Western Australian Council of Social Service (WACOSS) New Year Sector Breakfast in Perth today. Two new individual categories have been introduced

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Driver loses control in freeway tunnel as Main Roads works to remove rogue duck

Traffic Enforcement Group officers are investigating a crash that occurred just after midnight this morning, 19 January 2018 in the Graham Farmer Freeway tunnel. Emergency workers were in the tunnel several hundred metres from the entrance in the right hand west bound lane. They were attempting to retrieve a duck that

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