Local residents and business owners are invited to comment on a draft redevelopment scheme that will guide development around the Bayswater, High Wycombe and Midland train stations.
The Draft METRONET East Redevelopment Scheme outlines how development applications will be assessed to ensure high quality future development that reflects the character of each area.
The precincts will be home to a range of housing options close to quality public transport, work places, shops and community facilities.
The Scheme will be administered by DevelopmentWA and outlines preferred land uses for different precincts within the project areas to ensure a compatible mix of activities including residential, commercial, retail, community and entertainment.
After consideration of community and stakeholder feedback the final METRONET East Redevelopment Scheme is expected to be in place by late 2020. The planning authority for the areas will then transfer from local government to DevelopmentWA.
Work is also progressing on the detailed Design Guidelines for the Bayswater and High Wycombe project areas, which will set out specific requirements for new development including building design and materials, heights and parking.
The community can view the Draft Scheme and provide comment at http://www.developmentwa.com.au/planning until September 15, 2020.