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ACCC moves to improve quad bike safety

The ACCC has proposed major changes to improve the safety of quad bikes, including the introduction of a safety rating system, crush protection devices and mandatory minimum performance standards.

There are approximately 190,000 quad bikes in operation in Australia used for in workplaces, recreation, adventure tours and competitive racing.

Tragically, quad bike accidents result in an average of 16 deaths in Australia each year. They also result in approximately six people per day attending a hospital emergency department and two of these requiring hospitalisation for serious injuries.

To help reduce the deaths and injuries associated with quad bikes, the ACCC is proposing a mandatory safety standard that:

“The ACCC believes a mandatory safety standard incorporating all of these elements is the best option to save lives and make quad bikes safer for everyone. We invite the public and stakeholders to have their say on this important safety proposal,” ACCC Commissioner Mick Keogh said.

“The ACCC has considered a range of evidence and views in making this draft recommendation. We have consulted with industry representatives, quad bike manufacturers and retailers, farmers, consumers, academics, hospitals, health professionals, tourism operators, among many others.”

The ACCC has developed a Consultation Regulation Impact Statement, which details the proposed options to make quad bikes safer.

“I encourage stakeholders to consider the proposed options to improve the safety of quad bikes and make their submission by 4 May 2018, before we make a final recommendation to the Government mid-year” Mr Keogh said.

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