A snapshot of the Western Australian meat industry has identified strong potential for future investment.
The Western Australian Meat Industry Guide, commissioned by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development, provides an industry overview and highlights emerging opportunities for potential domestic and foreign investors.
There is increasing global demand for high-quality, safe and healthy food for the rapidly growing Asian middle class and WA’s proximity to the region means it is well positioned to capitalise on export opportunities.
WA’s meat production system focuses on three key export meats where it has a clear comparative advantage: sheep, beef and pork. Goat and a range of other meats provide a second tier of emerging opportunities.
The meat processing industry, together with the live export industry, is a critical component of the livestock sector in WA, underpinning domestic cattle and sheep prices and contributing to the sustainability of our regions.
A copy of the guide is available at http://www.agric.wa.gov.au/WAagrifood-industryguides