The McGowan Government today announced the Civil Service Association (CSA) has accepted the public sector wages policy that covers nearly 40,000 employees.
Pay increases will be provided in accordance with the Public Sector Wages Policy Statement 2017.
This includes a $1,000 a year salary increase, 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave, and preference for direct employment of staff over two years.
It was also decided that nine industrial agreements would be replaced, which cover public servants and government officers, school support officers, electorate officers, social trainers, jury officers, residential college supervisors and youth custodial officers.
Additionally, the new agreement will:
- Limit the use of labour hire;
- Include commitments regarding employer preference for permanent employment;
- Provide enhanced consultative processes;
- Offer additional guidance for redeployment and case management of surplus employees; and
- Strengthen the monitoring of workload management provisions.
The agreement is being finalised for lodgement in the Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission.