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Building cyber safe communities

Today marks the start of National eSmart Week focusing on online safety in our communities.

The Minister for Communications and the Arts officially launched National eSmart Week today encouraging all Australians to be smart, safe and responsible online to reduce cyber bullying in our communities.

Coinciding with National Child Protection Week, National eSmart Week is an initiative of the Alannah and Madeline Foundation which will host a range of webinars and activities over the week encouraging participants to share their eSmart experience.

With one in seven Australians reporting being cyberbullied in the past year, the eSmart program is designed to tackle this issue in a multitude of ways. Five key streams focus on schools, libraries, children and teachers and everyone is encouraged to register.

eSmart has already been implemented in more than 2,300 school and over 70 per cent of libraries. More than 200,000 students have registered for the eSmart Digital Licence and online training resource.

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