Midland Detectives have arrested a 23 year old man as a result of their investigation into a firearm incident that occurred on Wednesday, 14 December 2016.
It is alleged at around 6:05pm, the man fired a weapon from a moving vehicle that was travelling along Hooley Road in Midvale.
The bullets hit the driver’s door of a vehicle that was reversing out of a driveway on Hooley Road. The 43 year old female driver was struck in the shoulder by the rounds and was treated in hospital for her injuries.
The 23 year old man of Midvale has been charged with:-
• Unlawful Act with Intent to Harm (endangering life, health or safety of any person);
• Assault Occasioning Bodily Harm; and
• Unlawful Damage.
He is due to appear before the Midland Magistrates Court on Friday, 28 July 2017.
Source: Arrest re Midvale firearm incident | Western Australia Police